23 Nov 2022

Development of Dutch GFLI datasets

GFLI-compliant datasets for Nevedi

The Dutch Feed Industry Association represents the interests of its members, 90 animal feed producers. Blonk has updated the Nevedi Carbon Footprint list with animal feed ingredients. This ingredient list is extensively used by the Dutch dairy industry, since the calculated feed impacts are used as input for the Kringloopwijzer. However, the other  animal industries such as calves, pigs and poultry are increasingly using the list for their carbon footprint calculations as well. The Nevedi ingredient list can be seen as the "Dutch" version of the GFLI database but with a different scope: the Nevedi Carbon Footprint list allows to be easily used on a harmonized method by Nevedi members and follows GLFI wherever possible.

Nevedi’s motivation for a new uptodate database

Until now, an older Nevedi database was used by their feed producing members for the environmental footprint calculations. Blonk was asked to update the database to make it more complete and consistent and more in line with the PEFCR Feed. With the commissioning of the latest Nevedi database, Nevedi offers its members the most recent numbers to calculate the carbon footprint of compound feeds up to the farm gate.

Reducing emissions is a major goal for the production of milk, eggs and meat in the Netherlands, in which of course the livestock sector currently plays a large role. As representative of the feed sector we see it as a must to contribute to keep our sector vital and take our responsibility in line with societal and market demands.

Henk Flipsen, director of Nevedi Dutch Feed Industry Association, Foto: LaLoes Fotografie

Principles of the Nevedi carbon footprint list

Where possible, the Nevedi database for feed raw materials were linked to "existing data" in the GFLI database as it became available from GFLI in the latest update in October 2022.

Together with Nevedi, we identified which datasets were developed and at what level of aggregation. Development means that for these datasets the carbon footprint was determined. In total 344 feed ingredient carbon footprints were calculated, all in a consistent manner Currently, Nevedi is taking some final steps to integrate the data sets which are not available in GFLI yet, into GFLI, fitting its scope.


Development of datasets

When required datasets were not available in GFLI or the Blonk database Agri-Footprint, they were modelled according to the same principles. Primary data was shared by FeedValid and another feed producer, to accurately model processing of grains and pulses.


Actualisation of Data

The new Nevedi-list has been compiled in a consistent manner, using the Blonk data generation pipeline. This allows for straightforward updates in the future and quick adaptation to new Agri-footprint and GFLI versions.

Robust basis for the Dutch feed industry for sustainability

The Nevedi database is compiled according to the latest insights and relevant standards. The new version has come about after a thorough revision in which data have been updated, the latest scientific insights have been incorporated, the global GFLI database has been connected and the working method has been brought more in line with the international standard PEFCR Feed. This provides a robust basis for the Dutch feed industry for sustainability and transparency towards parties further down the chain and beyond.

“During a midterm presentation, Dutch feed producers were highly interested in the new developments, and their involvement was great to experience. We notice increasing interest from actors in the agrifood chain that ask for our support to facilitate their sustainability efforts. At Blonk we have extensive experience with generation of accurate tools and data to empower them to contribute to a sustainable food system.

Nynke Draijer, Consultant Blonk Sustainability Tools

More information

Get in touch

Nynke Draijer
Data Scientist

If you have questions about this project or are interested to develop a customized LCA method or environmental calculation tool for your sector? Please get in touch with Nynke.